3Com EtherLink PCI Networking Card 3C905C-TXM - 10TX / 100TX
Technical Specifications
Single chip solution supporting PCI 2.2 standard
32 Bit data transfer with bus master for PCI interface
Complies with ISO 802.3, 802.3x, 802.3 Ethernet standards
Extensive driver support (Microsoft OnNow, PC99 compliance, ACPI compliance)
Optional Boot ROM chip (RPL and PXE protocols)
Support WOL cable
Full duplex, automatic 10/100 TX port selection
Wired for Management 2.0, upgradeable PxE support
LAN remote power-on functionalities and remote wake up
Low power consumption and sleep mode
Drivers provided for Windows 95/98, Windows NT4, Windows NT3.51, OS2, DOS, Windows 2000 and Novell (3.12, 4.10, 4.11)
3 diagnostic LEDs for 10M link, 100M link, activity.
Quick and easy installation on HP Brio BA and BAx and other PCs on which drivers are preloaded.